Transformation Partners in Health and Care > Our partnerships work > London Health and Care Strategic Partnership Board

London Health and Care Strategic Partnership Board

Healthy London Partnership hosts the London Health and Care Strategic Partnership Board. We provide a secretariat function on behalf of all London partners.

Benefits of devolution

London and national partners signed the London Health and Care Devolution Memorandum of Understanding in November 2017. It sets out how all partners can work together better to improve health and care in London. It means that health and care leaders have more power over decisions about services across the capital.

The Strategic Partnership Board was set up to provide oversight and leadership to ensure improvements to health can happen as quickly as possible. It brings together partners from across the health and care system in London. The board’s aspiration is to make London the world’s healthiest city, and it is committed to working together to improve the health and wellbeing of all Londoners.


The board is co-chaired by Will Tuckley, the Lead Chief Executive nominated to support London Councils’ work on Health, and Sir David Sloman, NHS Regional Director for London. Members are appointed by their constituent organisations, as follows:

  • London Sustainability and Transformation Partnerships (STP): Three representatives from each of the five London STPs, comprising of a CCG, borough and provider representative
  • London Councils: Two representatives. One of the representatives will be the Lead Chief Executive nominated to support London Councils’ work on Health
  • Greater London Authority: Two representatives
  • The Office of London CCGs: One representative
  • Public Health England: London Regional Director
  • NHS England: Two representatives including the London Regional Director
  • NHS Improvement: London Region Executive Managing Director
  • Care Quality Commission: One representative from the London region
  • Health Education England: One representative from the London region
  • A medical representative: One representative from the London Clinical Senate
  • A nursing representative: London Regional Chief Nurse.

See the full list of members.


The board operates as a forum for partner organisations across London. Healthy London Partnership hosts the board and provides support to all London partners to ensure important decisions and insights are shared. We work closely with the London Health Board secretariat. This helps to ensure we are working effectively with the Mayor and elected leaders to make London the world’s healthiest city.