Personalised care
Our vision is for every Londoner to experience Personalised Care, where people are actively involved and connected to activities, groups, and services in their community that meet the practical, social and emotional needs that affect their health and wellbeing.
Around 500 social prescribing link workers, health and wellbeing coaches and care coordinators are based in London’s primary care networks, supporting almost half a million Londoners with personalised care.
Our mission is to ensure these personalised care roles, and other community-led preventative services, are thriving.
This will in turn support London’s health and care systems to develop more proactive, preventative and community centred approaches to improve the health and wellbeing of those most impacted by health inequity.
One in five GP appointments focus on wider social needs, rather than acute medical issues. Stress, unemployment, debt, loneliness, lack of education or support in early childhood, insecure housing and discrimination can impact 30-55% of the health outcomes people experience. People living with multiple long-term conditions, disability, frailty or who live in ethnic minority communities are bearing the brunt of the widening gap in health inequalities.
On these pages you will find information and support on how we are supporting London’s health and care system to use social prescribing and community-led prevention can address this gap. It’s all based on the latest evidence, and coproduced in partnership with the voluntary sector, local government and the NHS. You’ll also find out how we’re blazing a trail for introducing personalised care approaches into secondary care.
More about Social Prescribing and Community-Led Prevention
We provide leadership and support to the London system; including NHS England, Integrated Care Systems (ICS) and Primary Care Networks (PCN) to help spread and scale personalised care. We also lead the London Social Prescribing partnership and improvement collaborative, connecting system partners including health, social care, public health, VCSE, Greater London Authority (GLA) and other partners across London to facilitate cross sector collaboration.
- Our focus is on the spread, scale-up and sustainability of Social Prescribing in London by:
- Supporting the workforce through recruitment and retention initiatives
- Supporting ICSs and PCNs to develop Social Prescribing Strategies
- Driving innovation in Social Prescribing
- Communicating the benefits and the impact of Social Prescribing
Meet the TPHC Personalised Care Team.