An asthma action plan is a written management plan agreed with your child’s doctor. If your child has an asthma plan they are four times less likely to have an asthma attack that requires emergency hospital treatment.

The asthma action plan should help you recognise when your child’s symptoms are getting worse and give you advice on what to do. If your child doesn’t have an asthma action plan, speak to your GP.

The plan should have information on triggers, what the medicines do (preventers/and relievers), how and when to take treatment, current treatment, how to spot asthma getting worse (symptoms and peak expiratory flow), what treatment to take in an emergency, how and when to call for help. It should be shared with your child’s school and any activity clubs where they are members.

More tools to help you


This symptom diary is a useful tool to help children record their asthma symptoms and triggers every day:

What is asthma? Asthma Symptom Diary (colour version)

What is asthma? Asthma Symptom Diary (black and white version)